
Made possible by forbearance rather than revenge . . .

“If forgiveness and its sometimes-appropriate aim of reconciliation are predicated on truth, and made possible by forbearance rather than revenge, then developing and expressing empathy for the offending person is the third element. Empathy is rooted in the realization that the one who hurt us remains human and needs our kindness. Empathy recognizes that at some point we may have done to someone else the very thing we are now trying to transcend.”

Donald Shriver

Empathy is used in three distinct senses . . .

“In today’s psychology, the word ‘empathy’ is used in three distinct senses: Knowing another person’s feelings; feeling what that person feels; and responding compassionately to another’s distress. These three varieties of empathy seem to describe a 1-2-3 sequence: I notice you. I feel with you, and so I act to help you.”

Daniel Goleman